Counseling & Support Groups Crossings Manasseh Ministries

The Manasseh Ministry Support Groups are designed to help you deal with your past in order to insure a brighter future.


All of us live in a fallen world, and all of us experience hurt in our lives. Healing is a Choice helps us learn how to take the hurt in our life and use to for God's glory.


More information about Healing is a Choice

The damage done by childhood sexual abuse does not simply heal when one becomes an adult - it lingers and continues to have an affect oftentimes without victims even being aware of it. Wounded Heart support groups help victims of abuse not only understand how that trauma affects them day to day, but also how to address is biblically.

More information about Wounded Heart

game plan pornography addiction support group collinsville illinois

Men everywhere are under attack – your neighbor, your coworker, your pastor, and even your husband. Even in Christian homes, 40% of men have fallen to this foe that can destroy marriages and ruin lives. Who is this devastating adversary? Pornography. It floods our airwaves and PCs, assaulting the senses, and luring its prey to return again and again. The Game Plan is a seven week class for men.

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Quisque commodo id mi non porttitor. Aenean sapien eros, commodo in lectus eu, auctor pretium diam. Mauris non orci quis est hendrerit laoreet id eget purus. Vivamus id ex non urna pulvinar consequat. Convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi.

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Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Proin eget tortor risus.